Triceps Exercises

Lying BB Extension

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Lie on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Using an over-hand narrow grip, hold a barbell directly above your chest with your arms fully extended. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, inhale and slowly lower the bar towards your forehead. When the bar is just above your forehead, exhale and, again without moving your upper arms, raise it back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Standing BB Extension

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Stand up straight with your feet about shoulder width apart. Using an over-hand narrow grip, hold a barbell directly above your head with your arms fully extended. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, inhale and slowly lower the bar behind your head. When your arms are fully bent, exhale and, again without moving your upper arms, raise the bar back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Seated BB Extension

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Sit on a flat bench and keep your back straight. Using an over-hand narrow grip, hold a barbell directly above your head with your arms fully extended. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, inhale and slowly lower the bar behind your head. When your arms are fully bent, exhale and, again without moving your upper arms, raise the bar back to the staring position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Incline BB Extension

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Adjust an incline bench to your desired angle (Different angles will stress the triceps differently). Using an over-hand narrow grip and with your arms fully extended, hold a barbell directly above your body perpendicular to the floor. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, inhale and slowly lower the bar towards the bench behind your head. When your hands touch the bench, exhale and, again without moving your upper arms, raise it back to the starting position. Repeat for the suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Lying BB Ext. then Press

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Lie on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Using an over-hand narrow grip, hold a barbell directly above your chest with your arms fully extended. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, inhale and slowly lower the bar towards your forehead. When the bar is just above your forehead, exhale and, again without moving your upper arms, raise it back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of repetitions. Now for the Press. Keep your hands where they are or move them in closer, if possible. Take a deep breath and let it out. Inhale and slowly lower the bar until it barely touches your chest. Once the bar touches your chest, exhale and, without bouncing, raise it back to the starting position. For this part of the exercise, repeat for double the suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Reverse-grip Lying BB Ext.

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Lie on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Using an under-hand narrow grip, hold a barbell directly above your chest with your arms fully extended. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, inhale and slowly lower the bar towards your forehead. When the bar is just above your forehead, exhale and, again without moving your upper arms, raise it back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Kneeling BB Extension

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Kneel on the floor or on a soft pad with your knees about shoulder width apart. Using an over-hand narrow grip, hold a barbell directly above your head with your arms fully extended. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, inhale and slowly lower the bar behind your head. When your arms are fully bent, exhale and, again without moving your upper arms, raise the bar back to the staring position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Decline BB Extension

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Lie back on a decline bench and wrap your feet under the bar provided. Using an over-hand narrow grip and with your arms fully extended, hold a barbell directly above your body perpendicular to the floor. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, inhale and slowly lower the bar towards your forehead. When the bar is just above your forehead, exhale and, again without moving your upper arms, raise it back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

DB Kickbacks

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Place your left knee and left palm on a flat bench so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Using an over-hand grip and keeping your right palm towards your body, hold a light dumbbell so that your right arm forms a 90-degree angle with your upper arm parallel to the floor. This is the starting position. Now, without moving your upper arm, exhale and straighten your arm. Hold this position for about 1 second. Inhale and, again without moving your upper arm, slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat for the suggested number of reps. Repeat the exercise with your left arm, keeping the right knee and right palm on the bench. When you have done the exercise with both arms, you have completed one set.  (Back to Contents)

Cable Kickbacks

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Attach a loop handle to the lower cable of a pulley stand. Facing the stand, position yourself a little less than arm’s length from it. Bend over so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Using an over-hand grip, hold the handle so that your right arm forms a 90 degree angle with your upper arm parallel to the floor. This is the starting position. Now, without moving your upper arm, exhale and straighten your arm. Hold this position for about 1 second. Inhale and slowly lower the handle back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps. Repeat the exercise using your left arm. When you have done the exercise with both arms, you have completed one set.  (Back to Contents)

Triceps Dips

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Position yourself between a set of parallel bars and grip them with your palms facing each other. Step up and support yourself with your arms fully extended. Keep your torso perpendicular to the floor and bend your legs back for balance. This is the starting position. Keeping your elbows in close to your body, inhale and slowly lower your body down. Lower your body until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Once your upper arms are parallel to the floor, exhale and raise your body back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of repetitions.  (Back to Contents)

Dips Between Benches

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Position two flat benches a few feet apart. Keeping your legs straight, place your feet on one bench and your hands on the other. Your hands should grip the inner part of the bench and be placed slightly narrower than shoulder width. Fully extend your arms to support your body. This is the starting position. Inhale and slowly bend your arms to lower your body as low as comfortably possible between the two benches. Once your body is at the lowest point, exhale and raise it back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps. To increase resistance, have your training partner place barbell plates on your thighs once you are in the starting position.  (Back to Contents)

Pulley Pushdowns: Bar

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Attach a bar to the upper cable of a pulley stand. Standing about a foot away, hold the bar by using an over-hand grip. Keeping your upper arms and elbows against your body, bend your arms so that your forearms are parallel to the floor. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, exhale and push the bar down towards the floor. Once your arms are fully extended downward, inhale and slowly raise the bar back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Pulley Pushdowns: Rope

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Attach a rope to the upper cable of a pulley stand. Standing about a foot away, hold each end of the rope with an over-hand grip with your palms facing each other. Keeping your upper arms and elbows against your body, bend your arms so that your forearms are parallel to the floor. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, exhale and push the rope down towards the floor. Once your arms are fully extended downward, inhale and slowly raise the rope back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Pulley Pushdowns: Loop

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Attach a loop handle to the upper cable of a pulley stand. Standing about a foot away, hold the handle with an over-hand grip with one arm. Keeping your upper arm and elbow against your body, bend your arm so that your forearm is parallel to the floor. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arm, exhale and push the handle down towards the floor. Once your arm is fully extended downward, inhale and slowly raise the handle back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps. Repeat the exercise using your other arm. When you have done the exercise with both arms, you have completed one set.  (Back to Contents)

Pulley Pushdowns: V-Bar

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Attach a Press Down V-Bar to the upper cable of a pulley stand. A Press Down V-Bar is a steel inverted-V bar with capped ends. Standing close to the bar, hold each end of the bar by using an over-hand grip. Keeping your upper arms and elbows against your body, bend your arms so that your forearms are parallel to the floor. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, exhale and push the bar down towards the floor. Once your arms are fully extended downward, inhale and slowly raise the bar back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Reverse Pushdowns

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Attach a bar to the upper cable of a pulley stand. Standing about a foot away, hold the bar by using an under-hand grip. Keeping your upper arms and elbows against your body, bend your arms so that the bar is even with your chest. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, exhale and lower the bar down towards the floor. Once your arms are fully extended downward, inhale and slowly raise the bar back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Reverse Pushdowns: Loop

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Attach a loop handle to the upper cable of a pulley stand. Standing about a foot away, hold the handle with an under-hand grip with one arm. Keeping your upper arm and elbow against your body, bend your arm so that the handle is even with your chest. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arm, exhale and lower the handle down towards the floor. Once your arm is fully extended downward, inhale and slowly raise the handle back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps. Repeat the exercise using your other arm. When you have done the exercise with both arms, you have completed one set.  (Back to Contents)

Flat Two-arm DB Ext. - 1 DB

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Lie on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Placing your hands flat against the inner surface of the upper plate (Wrap your thumbs around the bar for balance), hold a dumbbell above your head with your arms fully extended. This is the starting position. Moving your upper arms as little as possible, inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell down behind your head. When your arms are fully bent, exhale and, again moving your upper arms as little as possible, raise the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Flat Two-arm DB Ext. - 2 DB

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Lie on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Using an over-hand grip on two dumbbells, hold them above your head with your arms fully extended and your palms facing each other. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, inhale and slowly lower the dumbbells down to the sides of your head. When your arms are fully bent, exhale and, again without moving your upper arms, raise the dumbbells back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Flat One-arm DB Ext.

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Lie on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Using an over-hand grip with one arm, hold a dumbbell above your head with your arm fully extended and your palm facing your other side. Place your other hand just under the elbow of your weighted arm for support. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arm, inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell down to the same side of your head. When your arm is fully bent, exhale and, again without moving your upper arm, raise the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of repetitions. Repeat the exercise using your other arm. When you have done the exercise with both arms, you have completed one set.  (Back to Contents)

Two-arm DB Ext. - 1 DB

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Sit on a flat bench and keep your back straight. Placing your hands flat against the inner surface of the upper plate (Wrap your thumbs around the bar for balance), hold a dumbbell above your head with your arms fully extended. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell down behind your head. When your arms are fully bent, exhale and, again without moving your upper arms, raise the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Two-arm DB Ext. - 2 DB

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Sit on a flat bench and keep your back straight. Using an over-hand grip on two dumbbells, hold them above your head with your arms fully extended and your palms facing each other. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arms, inhale and slowly lower the dumbbells down behind your head. When your arms are fully bent, exhale and, again without moving your upper arms, raise the dumbbells back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of repetitions.  (Back to Contents)

One-arm DB Extension

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Sit on a flat bench and keep your back straight. Using an over-hand grip with one arm, hold a dumbbell above your head with your arm fully extended and your palm facing forward. Place your other hand on your waist for balance. This is the starting position. Without moving your upper arm, inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell down behind your head. When your arm is fully bent, exhale and, again without moving your upper arm, raise the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of repetitions. Repeat the exercise using your other arm. When you have done the exercise with both arms, you have completed one set.  (Back to Contents)

Close-grip Bench Press

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Lie on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Using an over-hand grip and placing your hands about 1-3” apart, hold a barbell directly above your chest with your arms fully extended. This is the starting position. Inhale and, keeping your arms in close to your body, slowly lower the bar until your hands touch your upper chest. Once your hands touch your chest, exhale and, without bouncing, slowly raise the bar back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Reverse-grip Bench Press

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Lie on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Using an under-hand grip and placing your hands about shoulder width apart, hold a barbell directly above your chest with your arms fully extended. This is the starting position. Inhale and, keeping your arms in close to your body, slowly lower the bar until it touches your upper chest. Once the bar touches your chest, exhale and, without bouncing, slowly raise it back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Standing High Pulley Ext.

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Attach a bar to the upper cable on a pulley stand. Standing with your back to the stand, use an over-hand grip on the bar and place one foot in front of the other for balance. Your arms should be fully bent so that the bar is behind your head. Keeping your back straight, bend forward at the waist. This is the starting position. Exhale and, without moving your upper arms, push the bar forward. When your arms are fully extended, inhale and, again without moving your upper arms, slowly return the bar back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Standing High Pulley: Rope

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Attach a rope to the upper cable on a pulley stand. Standing with your back to the stand, use an over-hand grip on each end of the rope and place one foot in front of the other for balance. Keeping your back straight, bend forward at the waist. Your arms should be fully bent so that the rope is above your head. This is the starting position. Exhale and, without moving your upper arms, push the rope forward. When your arms are fully extended, inhale and, again without moving your upper arms, slowly return the rope back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Kneeling High Pulley Ext.

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Attach a bar to the upper cable on a pulley stand. With your back to the stand, kneel on the floor or on a soft pad with your knees about shoulder width apart. Using an over-hand grip on the bar, fully bend your arms so that the bar is behind your head. Keeping your back straight, bend forward at the waist. This is the starting position. Exhale and, without moving your upper arms, push the bar forward. When your arms are fully extended, inhale and, again without moving your upper arms, slowly return the bar back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Kneeling High Pulley: Rope

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Attach a rope to the upper cable on a pulley stand. With your back to the stand, kneel down on the floor or on a soft pad with your knees about shoulder width apart. Using an over-hand grip on each end of the rope, fully bend your arms so that the rope is above your head. Keeping your back straight, bend forward at the waist. This is the starting position. Exhale and, without moving your upper arms, push the rope forward. When your arms are fully extended, inhale and, again without moving your upper arms, slowly return the rope back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)