Back Exercises

Lat Pulldowns: Wide-grip

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Attach a lat bar (a straight bar with the ends angled downward) to the cable on a lat machine. Sit in the seat provided with your legs securely under the padded bar, which prevents your body from rising off the seat during the exercise. Using an over-hand grip and holding the bar by the angled ends, fully extend your arms and arch your back slightly. This is the starting position. Keeping your elbows out, exhale and pull the bar down towards your chest. Once the bar touches your chest, inhale and slowly raise it back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Lat Pulldowns: Close-grip

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Attach a bar to the cable on a lat machine. Sit in the seat provided with your legs securely under the padded bar, which prevents your body from rising off the seat during the exercise. Using an over-hand grip and keeping your hands about shoulder width apart, fully extend your arms and arch your back slightly. This is the starting position. Keeping your elbows in, exhale and pull the bar down towards your chest. Once the bar touches your chest, inhale and slowly raise it back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Lat Pulldowns: Under-grip

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Attach a bar to the cable on a lat machine. Sit in the seat provided with your legs securely under the padded bar, which prevents your body from rising off the seat during the exercise. Using an under-hand grip and keeping your hands about 6-12” apart, fully extend your arms and arch your back slightly. This is the starting position. Keeping your elbows in, exhale and pull the bar down towards your chest. Once the bar touches your chest, inhale and slowly raise it back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Lat Pulldowns: Narrow-grip

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Attach narrow parallel-grip handles (two loop handles connected to form a “V”) to the cable on a lat machine. Sit in the seat provided with your legs securely under the padded bar, which prevents your body from rising off the seat during the exercise. Using an over-hand grip and holding the handles with your palms facing each other, fully extend your arms and arch your back slightly. This is the starting position. Keeping your elbows in, exhale and pull the handles down towards your chest. Once your hands touch your chest, inhale and slowly raise the handles back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Stiff-arm Lat Pulldowns

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Attach a bar to the cable on a lat machine. Stand about 2-3’ back from the bar and keep your feet about shoulder width apart. Using an over-hand grip and keeping your arms slightly wider than shoulder width, fully extend your arms to grasp the bar. Bending your knees and keeping your back straight, lean your torso forward slightly. This is the starting position. Without bending your arms, exhale and push the bar down towards your thighs by rotating your arms at the shoulders. Once the bar touches your thighs, inhale and slowly raise it back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

BB Shrugs: Front

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Using an over-hand grip on a barbell, stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and your back straight. With your shoulders pulled down as far as comfortably possible, fully extend your arms so that the bar rests on your thighs. This is the starting position. Without bending your arms, exhale and raise your shoulders up and back as far as comfortably possible. Hold this position a moment and then inhale and slowly lower your shoulders back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

BB Shrugs: Behind

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Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and your back straight. Using an over-hand grip, reach behind you and grasp a barbell. With your shoulders pulled down as far as comfortably possible, fully extend your arms so that the bar rests against your hamstrings. This is the starting position. Without bending your arms, exhale and raise your shoulders up as far as comfortably possible. Hold this position a moment and then inhale and slowly lower your shoulders back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

DB Shrugs

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Using an over-hand grip, hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing each other. Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and your back straight. With your shoulders pulled down as far as comfortably possible, fully extend your arms and let the dumbbells rest against the outside of your legs. This is the starting position. Without bending your arms, exhale and raise your shoulders up and back as far as comfortably possible. Hold this position a moment and then inhale and slowly lower your shoulders back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

T-Bar Rows

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Step onto a T-Bar Row Machine with your knees bent and feet about shoulder width apart. Keeping your back straight, press your torso against the padded support. Using an over-hand grip and keeping your arms fully extended, grasp the handles and lift the bar off the support so that it is in the center of the machine. This is the starting position. Keeping your body in this position, exhale and pull the bar towards your chest. Once the bar reaches the highest point, inhale and slowly lower it back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

One-arm DB Bent Rows

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Place your left knee and left palm on a flat bench so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Using an over-hand grip and keeping your right palm towards your body, hold a dumbbell straight down with your arm fully extended. This is the starting position. Now, without moving your body, exhale and pull the dumbbell straight up towards the outside part of your chest, keeping your elbow and arm in close to your body. Once the dumbbell touches the outside part of your chest, inhale and slowly lower it back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps. Repeat this for your left arm, keeping your right knee and right palm on the bench. When you have done the exercise with both arms, you have completed one set.  (Back to Contents)

BB Bent Rows

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Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. Keeping your knees slightly bent and your back straight, bend forward until your torso is parallel or slightly above parallel to the floor. Using an over-hand grip and keeping your arms fully extended, grasp a barbell. Keep your head up. This is the starting position. Now, without moving your body, exhale and, keeping your elbows in close to your body, pull the bar straight up towards your lower chest. Once the bar touches your lower chest, inhale and slowly lower it back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

DB Bent Rows

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Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. Keeping your knees slightly bent and your back straight, bend forward until your torso is parallel or slightly above parallel to the floor. Using an over-hand grip and keeping your arms fully extended, grasp a dumbbell with each hand with your palms facing each other. Keep your head up. This is the starting position. Now, without moving your body, exhale and, keeping your elbows in close to your body, pull the dumbbells straight up towards your lower chest. Once the dumbbells touch the outermost parts of your chest, inhale and slowly lower them back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Seated Pulley Rows

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Attach narrow parallel-grip handles (two loop handles connected to form a “V”) to the cable on a seated pulley row machine. Sit on the seat and place your feet on the footrest provided, keeping your knees bent. Lean forward and, with your arms fully extended and your lats fully stretched, grasp the handles using an over-hand grip. Keeping your arms extended, lean back until your torso is at a 90-degree angle from your legs. Your back should be slightly arched and your chest should be sticking out. This is the starting position. Exhale and, keeping your elbows in and your torso stationary, pull the handles in towards your abs. Once your hands touch your abs, inhale and slowly release them and return to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Seated High Pulley Rows

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Attach narrow parallel-grip handles (two loop handles connected to form a “V”) to the cable on a lat machine. Sit in the seat provided with your legs securely under the padded bar, which prevents your body from rising off the seat during the exercise. Lean forward and, with your arms fully extended and your lats fully stretched, grasp the handles using an over-hand grip. Lean back so that your torso is at a 45-degree angle to the floor. This is the starting position. Exhale and, keeping your elbows in, pull the handles in towards your chest. Once your hands touch your chest, inhale and slowly release the handles back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Standing Low Pulley Rows

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Attach narrow parallel-grip handles (two loop handles connected to form a “V”) to the lower cable on a pulley stand. Keeping your knees bent, stand with your feet about shoulder width apart. Lean forward and with your arms fully extended and your lats fully stretched, grasp the handles using an over-hand grip. This is the starting position. Exhale, and keeping your elbows in and back arched slightly, pull the handles in towards your abs. Once your hands touch your abs, inhale and slowly release the handles back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)


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Use a hyperextension bench for this exercise. With the backs your ankles under the small pads at the back of the bench, lean forward so that your thighs or hips are resting against the larger pad and your torso is almost perpendicular to the floor. Keep your arms folded against your chest (Advanced lifters can hold a small barbell plate against their chest to add resistance). This is the starting position. Exhale and raise your torso until it is slightly above parallel to the floor. Hold this position for a moment and then inhale and slowly lower your torso back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)


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Place a barbell on the floor. With your feet about shoulder width apart, stand on the floor or small platform directly behind the bar. Keeping your back straight and your arms fully extended, bend your torso forward and bend your knees until you can comfortably grasp the barbell using an over-hand, shoulder width grip. This is the starting position. Exhale and, keeping your back straight, slowly lift the bar off the floor by straightening your legs. As your legs straighten, bend your torso back to its erect position. Once your torso is straightened, hold this position for a moment and then, inhale and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)


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Position yourself under a chin-up bar. Keeping your hands about shoulder width apart with your arms fully extended, use an over-hand grip to grasp the bar. Bend your legs back and cross your ankles for balance while hanging under the bar. This is the starting position. Exhale and concentrate on using your lats and not your biceps to pull yourself up to the bar. Keep your elbows out as you pull yourself up. Continue to pull yourself up until your chin clears the bar. Once your chin clears the bar, inhale and slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)


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Position yourself under a chin-up bar. Keeping your hands about shoulder width apart and your arms fully extended, use an under-hand grip to grasp the bar. Bend your legs back and cross your ankles for balance while hanging under the bar. This is the starting position. Exhale and concentrate on using your lats and not your biceps to pull yourself up to the bar. Keep your elbows in as you pull yourself up. Continue to pull yourself up until your chin clears the bar. Once your chin clears the bar, inhale and slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Close-grip Chin-ups

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Position yourself under a chin-up bar. Keeping your hands about 4-6 inches apart and your arms fully extended, use an under-hand grip to grasp the bar. Bend your legs back and cross your ankles for balance while hanging under the bar. This is the starting position. Exhale and concentrate on using your lats and not your biceps to pull yourself up to the bar. Keep your elbows in as you pull yourself up. Continue to pull yourself up until your chest touches the bar. Once your chest touches the bar, inhale and slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Wide-grip Pull-ups

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Position yourself under a chin-up bar. Keeping your hands as wide as comfortable possible with your arms fully extended, use an over-hand grip to grasp the bar. Bend your legs back and cross your ankles for balance while hanging under the bar. This is the starting position. Exhale and concentrate on using your lats and not your biceps to pull yourself up to the bar. Keep your elbows out as you pull yourself up. Continue to pull yourself up until your chin clears the bar. Once your chin clears the bar, inhale and slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

Close-grip Pull-ups

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Position yourself under a chin-up bar. Keeping your hands slightly narrower than shoulder width apart and your arms fully extended, use an over-hand grip to grasp the bar. Bend your legs back and cross your ankles for balance while hanging under the bar. This is the starting position. Exhale and concentrate on using your lats and not your biceps to pull yourself up to the bar. Keep your elbows out as you pull yourself up. Continue to pull yourself up until your chin clears the bar. Once your chin clears the bar, inhale and slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)

V-Bar Pull-ups

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Position yourself under a chin-up bar. Place narrow parallel-grip handles (two loop handles connected to form a “V”) over the bar so that the handles are hanging on either side. Use an over-hand grip to grasp each handle. Bend your legs back and cross your ankles for balance while hanging under the bar. This is the starting position. Exhale and concentrate on using your lats and not your biceps to pull yourself up to the bar. Keep your elbows in and your head back slightly as you pull yourself up. Continue to pull yourself up until your chest touches the bottom part of the bar. Once your chest touches the bar, inhale and slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Repeat for suggested number of reps.  (Back to Contents)