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How much weight should I use

BYOE (Bring Your Own Equipment)

BYOE or Bring Your Own Equipment has been around a long time for some equipment like weight belts and workout gloves. Recently, we’ve noticed more and more people bringing other equipment to the gym. Maybe it was due to the pandemic or maybe ...

How much weight should I use

Looking for ways to Workout at Home?

In this unprecedented time, where just about everyone is under quarantine and many businesses, including most gyms, are closed, what exercises can you do at home to stay in shape until the gyms open again? Sure, you can just do push-ups and sit-ups, but that alone gets boring fast. Our program, PFT21, was created and designed to be ...

How much weight should I use

How much weight should I use?

That’s a great question! We get that question a lot because, unlike other workout programs, we don’t list the amount of weight you should use for each exercise. We do that on purpose and we’ll explain ...

Why didn't we use actual photos or video

Why didn't we use actual photos or video?

After developing the actual workout programs, we wanted to provide a description and illustration of each exercise. With the descriptions, we wanted to provide detailed instructions so that someone who never heard of an exercise would be able to do it. And for the illustrations, we wanted them to ...

Don't Cheat

Don't Cheat!

Cheating is never good! Sure, you may get away with something for a while, but it tends to catch up to you. The same is true when you’re working out. Now, by “Cheat”, we mean using incorrect form and other body parts to help you complete the listed Sets and Reps. Too many people use incorrect form just to ...

Not your typical workout routine!

Not your typical workout routine!

PFT21 is not your typical workout routine! While there are many good training programs out there to choose from, most have the same basic flaw: Follow a routine for a certain amount of time and then just keep repeating it. After a while, you either look for a new training program or you stop going to the gym because of ...


What does 3B-11 mean?

In our FAQs, we briefly explain that 3B-11 is the program number for the introductory workout program for PFT21. The first number indicates the number of days you plan on working out. The options are 3, 4 or 5 days per week. The letter indicates the Exercise Level you choose. The options are: “B” for the Beginner, “I” for the Intermediate and ...

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